Publications 2001
- Boucher CA , Sargent CA, Ogata T, Affara NA.: Breakpoint analysis of Turner patients with partial Xp deletions: implications for the lymphoedema gene location. J Med Genet (2001) 38:591-598
- Chen JS, Cousta-Smith E, Suzuki T, Neale GA , Mihara K, Pui CH, Campana D: Identification of novel markers for monitoring minimal residual disease in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood (2001) 97:2115-2120
- Ebinuma H, Saito H, Kosuga M, Wakabayashi K, Saito Y, Takagi T, Nakamoto N, Kurita S, Okuyama T, Ishii H.: Reduction of c-myc expression by an antisense approach under Cre/loxP switching induces apoptosis in human liver cancer cells. J Cel Phys (2001) 188:56-66
- Fujino M, Li XK, Guo L, Kitazawa Y, Funeshima N, Fukuda S, Kimura H, Miyashita T, Okuyama T, Amano T, Suzuki S.: T-cell apoptosis triggered by FTY720 via mitochondrial pathway. Transplant Proc (2001) 33:3084-3085
- Fujino M, Li XK, Kitazawa Y, Funeshima N, Guo L, Okuyama T, Amano T, Amemiya H, Suzuki S.: Selective repopulation of mice liver after Fas-resistant hepatocyte transplantation. Cell Transplant (2001) 10:353-361
- Fujino M, Li XK, Suda T, Hashimoto M, Okabe K, Yaginuma H, Mikoshiba K, Guo L, Okuyama T, Enosawa S, Amemiya H, Amano T, Suzuki S.: In vitro prevention of cell-mediated xenograft rejection via the Fas/FasL-pathway in CrmA-transducted porcine kidney cells. Xenotransplantation (2001) 8:115-124
- Fujino T, Mori N, Kawana A, Kawahata H, Kuratsuji T, Kirikae T et al: Molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in a Tokyo Hospital in 2000. Jpn J Infect Dis (2001) 54:91-93
- Fujita T, Yamada T, Hashiguchi A, Fukushima S, Kondoh K, Fujimoto J, Hata, J.: Augmentation of megakaryocytopoiesis within the hematopoietic microenvironment of human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor transgenic mice. Exp Hemat (2001) 29:1010-1018
- Garg V, Yamagishi C, Hu T, Kathiriya IS, Yamagishi H, Srivastava D: Tbx1, a DiGeorge syndrome candidate gene, is regulated by sonic hedgehog during pharyngeal arch development. Dev Biol (2001) 235:62-73
- Goto T, Fukushima H, Sasaki G, Matsuo N, Takahashi T: Evaluation of autonomic nervous system function with spectral analysis of heart rate variability in a case of tetanus. Brain Dev (2001) 23:791-795
- Goto T, Matsuo N, Takahashi T: CSF glutamate/GABA concentrations in pyridoxine-dependent seizures: etiology of pyridoxine-dependent seizures and the mechanisms of pyridoxine action in seizure control. Brain Dev (2001) 23:24-29
- Hokuto I, Ikeda K, Tokieda K, Mori K, Sueoka K: An ultra premature baby of 290 g birth weight needed more than 500 mg/kg of calcium and phosphorus daily. Eur J Pediatr (2001) 160:450-451
- Ikeda M, Honda M, Hasegawa O.: Another example of spontaneous improvement in a case of dense deposit disease Pediatr Nephrol (2001) 16: 609-610
- Ikeda M, Ito S, Hataya H, Honda M, Anbo K.: Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy in a patient with minimal-change nephrotic syndrome Am J Kidney Dis (2001) 37: E30
- Ishii T, Sato S, Kosaki K, Sasaki G, Muroya K, Ogata T, Matsuo N: Micropenis and the AR Gene: mutation and CAG repeat-length analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2001) 86:5372-5378
- Ito S, Takata A, Hataya H, Ikeda M, Kikuchi H, Hata J, Honda M.: Isolated diffuse mesangial sclerosis and Wilms tumor suppressor gene J Pediatr (2001) 138:425-427
- Kakinuma Y, Miyauchi T, Yuki K, Murakoshi N, Goto K, Yamaguchi I. : A novel molecular mechanism of increased myocardial endothelin-1 expression in the failing heart involved by the transcriptional factor HIF-1α that is induced for the impaired myocardial energy metabolism. Circulation (2001) 103:2387-2394
- Kamata Y, Okuyama T, Kosuga M, O’hira A, Kanaji A, Sasaki K, Yamada M, Azuma N: Adenovirus-mediated gene therapy for corneal clouding in mice with mucopolysaccharidosis type VII. Mol Ther (2001) 4:307-312
- Kaneko K, Kiyokawa N, Ohtomo Y, Nagaoka R, Yamashiro Y, Taguchi T, Mori T, Fujimoto J, Takeda T.: Apoptosis of renal tubular cells in shiga-toxin-mediated hemolytic uremic syndrome. Nephron (2001) 87:182-185
- Kaneko M, Watanabe J, Ueno E: Surfactant lavage and replacement of meconium aspiration syndrome with pulmonary hemorrhage. J Perinat Med (2001) 29:351-356
- Kaneko M, Watanabe J, Ueno E, Hida M, Sone T: Risk factors for severe respiratory syncytial virus-associated lower respiratory tract infection in children. Pediatr Int (2001) 43:489-492
- Kiyokawa N, Mori T, Taguchi T, Saito M, Mimori K, Suzuki T, Sekino T, Sato N, Nakajima H, Katagiri UY, Takeda T, Fujimoto J.: Activation of the caspase cascade during Stx1-induced apoptosis in Burkitt’s lymphoma cells. J Cell Biochem (2001) 81:128-142
- Kobayashi Y, Omori S, Kamimaki I, Ikeda M, Akaoka K, Honda M, Ogata K, Morikawa Y: Acute reversible renal failure with macroscopic hematuria in Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Pediatr Nephrol (2001) 16:742-744
- Kodo K, Hida M, Omori S, Mori T, Tokumura M, Kuramochi S, Awazu M: Vasculitis associated with septicemia: case report and review of the literature. Pediatr Nephrol (2001) 16:1089-1092.
- Kosaki K, Shimasaki N, Fukushima H, Hara M, Ogata T, Matsuo N: Female patient showing hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency (HED-ID). Am J Hum Genet (2001) 69:664-666
- Kosaki K, Suzuki T, Kosaki R, Yoshihashi H, Itoh M, Goto Y, Matsuo N: Human homolog of the mouse imprinted gene Impact resides at the pericentric region of chromosome 18 within the critical region for bipolar affective disorder. Mol Psychiatry (2001) 6:87-91
- Kosaki K, Yoshihashi H, Ohashi Y, Kosaki R, Suzuki T, Matsuo N: Fluorescence-based DHPLC for allelic quantification by single-nucleotide primer extension. J Biochem Biophys Methods (2001) 47:111-119
- Kosaki R, Ohashi H, Yoshihashi H, Suzuki T, Kosaki K: A de novo mutation (R279C) in the P63 gene in a patient with EEC syndrome. Clin Genet (2001) 60:314-315
- Kosuga M, Sasaki K, Tanabe A, Li XK, Okawa H, Ogino I, Okuda O, Arai H, Sakuragawa N, Kamata Y, Azuma N, Suzuki S, Yamada M, Okuyama T: Engraftment of genetically engineered amniotic epithelial cells corrects lysosomal storage in multiple areas of the brain in mucopolysaccharidosis type VII mice. Mol Ther (2001) 3:139-148
- Kosuga M, Takahashi S, Tanabe A, Fujino M, Li XK, Suzuki S, Yamada M, Kakishita K, Ono F, Sakuragawa N, Okuyama T: Widespread distribution of adenovirus-transduced monkey amniotic epithelial cells after local intracerebral injection: implication for cell-mediated therapy for lysosome storage disorders. Cell Transplant (2001) 10:435-439
- Kumon K, kobayashi H, Namiki T, Tsunematsu Y, Miyauchi J, Kikuta A, Horikoshi Y, Komada Y, Hatae Y, Eguchi H, Kaneko Y: Frequent Increase of DNA Copy Number in the 2q24 Chromosomal Region and Its Association with a Poor Clinical Outcome in Hepatoblastoma:Cytogenetic and Comparative Genomic Hybridization Analsis. Jpn J Cancer Res (2001) 92:854-862
- Kunte A, Ivey K, Yamagishi C, Garg V, Yamagishi H, Srivastava D: A common cis-acting sequence in the DiGeorge critical region regulates bi-directional transcription of UFD1L and CDC45L. Mech Dev (2001) 108:81-92
- Kurihara N, Tokieda K, Ikeda K, Mori K, Hokuto I, Nishimura O, Ishimoto H, Yuasa Y: Prenatal MR findings in a case of aneurysm of the vein of Galen. Pediatr Radiol (2001) 31:160-162
- Li XK, Fujino M, Sugioka A, Morita M, Okuyama T, Guo L, Funeshima N, Kimura H, Enosawa S, Amemiya H, Suzuki S.: Fulminant hepatitis by Fas-ligand expression in MRL-lpr/lpr mice grafted with Fas-positive livers and wild-type mice with Fas-mutant livers. Transplantation (2001) :71503-71508
- Maeyama K, Kosaki R, Yoshihashi H, Casey B, Kosaki K: Mutation analysis of left-right axis determining genes in NOD and ICR, strains susceptible to maternal diabetes. Teratology (2001) 63:119-126
- Manabe A, Tuchida M, Hanada R, Ikuta K, Toyda Y, Okimoto Y, Ishimoto K, Okawa H, Ohara A, Kaneko T, Koike K, Sato T, Sugita K, Bessho F, Hoshi Y, Maeda M, Kinoshita A, Sito T, Tsunematsu Y, Nakazawa S.: Delay of the Diagnostic Lumbar Puncture and Intrathecal Chemotherapy in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Who Undergo Routine Corticosteroid Testing:Tokyo Children’s Cancer Study Group Study L89-12. J Clin Oncol (2001) 19:3182-3187
- Mitsuhashi T, Aoki Y, Eksioglu YZ, Takahashi T, Bhide PG, Reeves SA, Caviness VS Jr. Overexpression of p27Kip1 lengthens G1-phase in a mouse model that targets inducible gene expression to CNS progenitor cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2001) 98:6435-6440.
- Miyama S, Takahashi T, Goto T, Bhide PG, Caviness VS Jr: Continuity with ganglionic eminence modulates interkinetic nuclear migration in the neocortical pseudostratified ventricular epithelium. Exp Neurol (2001) 169:486-495
- Miyamoto J, Hasegawa Y, Ohnami N, Onigata K, Kinoshita E, Nishi Y, Tachibana K, Hasegawa T: Development of growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiencies in patients with prenatal or perinatal-onset hypothalamic hypopituitarism having invisible or thin pituitary stalk on magnetic resonance imaging. Endocr J (2001) 48:355-362
- Mori K, Ikeda K, Hayashida S, Tokieda K, Ishimoto H, Fujii Y, Fukuzawa R, Kitano Y: Pulmonary epithelial cell maturation in hyperplastic lungs associated with fetal tracheal agenesis. J Pediatr Surg (2001) 36:1845-1848
- Mori N, Fujino T, Kashima T, Tomioka J, Kawana A, Kuratsuji T: Epidemiological analysis of nosocomial outbreaks of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a surgery ward. Jpn J Infect Dis (2001) 54:159-161
- Mori N, Fujino T, Uchida H, Miyazawa H, Minoura S, Kuratsuji T et al: Molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in a newborn nursery, a neonatal intensive care uint and a general pediatrics ward. Jpn J Infect Dis. (2001) 54:189-190
- Murakoshi N, Miyauchi T, Kisanuki T, Kakinuma Y, Yuki K, Yamaguchi I, Goto K, Yanagisawa M.: Cardiac hypertrophic response by acute pressure-overload is reduced in cardiomyocyte-specific endothelin-1 knockout mice in which coronary endothelial endothelin-1 is not knockouted. Circulation (2001) 104:I-415
- Muroya K, Hasegawa T, Ito Y, Nagai T, Isotani H, Iwata Y, Yamamoto K, Fujimoto S, Seishu S, Fukushima Y, Hasegawa Y, Ogata T: GATA3 abnormalities and the phenotypic spectrum of HDR syndrome. J Med Genet (2001) 38:374-380
- Muroya K, Sasagawa I, Suzuki Y, Nakada T, Ishii T, Ogata T: Hypospadias and the androgen receptor gene: mutation screening and CAG repeat length analysis. Mol Hum Reprod (2001) 7:409-413
- Nagai T, Nakayama T: Mumps vaccine virus genome is present in throat swabs obtained from uncomplicated healthy recipients. Vaccine (2001) 19: 1353-1355
- Nakadakte H, Yokomori K, Watanabe N, Tsuchiya T, Namiki T, Kobayashi H, Suita S, Tunematu Y, Horikoshi Y, Hatae Y, Endo M, Komada Y, Eguchi H, Toyoda Y, Kikuta A, Kobayashi R, Kaneko Y: Mutations /Deletions of the WT1 gene ,loss of heterozygosity on chromosome arms 11p and 11q , chromosome ploidy and historogy in Wilms’ tumors in Japan. Int J Cancer (2001) 94:396-400
- Nakajima H, Kiyokawa N, Katagiri-UY, Taguchi T, Suzuki T, Sekino T, Mimori K, Ebata T, Saito M, Nakao H, Takeda T, Fujimoto J: Kinetic analysis of binding between Shiga toxin and receptor glycolipid Gb3Cer by surface plasmon resonance. J Biol Chem (2001) 276:42915-42922
- Nakajima T, Katagiri-U Y, Kiyokawa N, Taguchi T, Suzuki T, Sekino T, Mimori K, Saito M, Nakao H, Takeda T, Fujimoto J: Single step method for purification of Shiga toxin1 B subunit using receptor mediated affinity chromatography by globotriaosylceramide conjugated Octyl Sepharose CL-4B. Protein Expres Purif (2001) 22:267-275
- Nakata Y, Morikawa Y, Miura M, Kawasaki K, Toyoma H, Kameyama K: Necrotizing tracheobronchitis in patent ductus arteriosus-dependent cyanotic congenital heart disease. Pediatr Pulmonol (2001) 32:480-483
- Nakayama T, Komase K, Uzauka R, Hoshi A, Okafuji T: Leucine at position 278 of the AIK-C measles virus vaccine strain fusion protein is responsible for reduced syncytium formation. J Gen Virol (2001) 82:2143-2150
- Natarajan A, Yamagishi H, Ahmad F, Li D, Roberts R, Matsuoka R, Hill S, Srivastava D: Human eHAND, but not dHAND, is down-regulated in cardiomyopathies. J Mol Cell Cardiol (2001) 33:1607-1614.
- Ogata T, Matsuo M, Muroya K, Koyama Y, Fukutani K: 47,XXX male: A clinical and molecular study. Am J Med Genet (2001) 98:353-356
- Ogata T, Matsuo N, Fukushima Y, Saito M, Nose O, Miharu N, Uehara S, Ishizuka B: FISH analysis for apparently simple terminal deletions of the X chromosome: identification of hidden structural abnormalities. Am J Med Genet (2001) 104:307-311
- Ogata T, Matsuo N, Nishimura G: SHOX haploinsufficiency and overdosage: impact of gonadal function status. J Med Genet (2001) 38:1-6
- Ogata T, Muroya K, Ishii T, Suzuki Y, Nakada T, Sasagawa I: Undermasculinized genitalia in a boy with an abnormally expanded CAG repeat length in the androgen receptor gene. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) (2001) 53:835-838
- Ogata T, Muroya K, Matsuo N, Shinohara O, Yorifuji T, Nishi Y, Hasegawa Y, Horikawa R, Tachibana K: Turner syndrome and Xp deletions: clinical and molecular studies in 47 patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2001) 86:5498-5508
- Ogata T, Muroya K, Ohashi H, Mochizuki H, Hasegawa T, Kaji M: Female gonadal development in XX patients with distal 9p monosomy. Eur J Endocrinol (2001) 145:613-617
- Ogata T, Onigata K, Hotsubo T, Matsuo N, Rappold G: Growth hormone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog therapy in haploinsufficiency of SHOX. Endocr J (2001) 48:317-322
- Ohba M, Li XK, Kita Y, Enosawa S, Funeshima N, Nagai H, Zhang HQ, Okuyama T, Ogoshi S, Sasaguri S, Amemiya S, Suzuki S.: The combined therapy of CTLA4Ig-gene transfection with FTY720: FTY720 may enhance the effect of gene therapy. World J Surg (2001) 25:391-397
- Ohmi K, Kiyokawa N, Sekino T, Suzuki T, Mimori K, Taguchi T, Nakajima H, Katagiri-U Y, Nakao H, Takeda T, Fujimoto J: Nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBT), a nucleoside transport inhibitor, protects against Shiga toxin cytotoxicity in human microvascular endothelial cells. Endothelium (2001) 8:261-268
- Preiss S, Argentaro A, Clayton A, John A, Jans DA, Ogata T, Nagai T, Barroso I, Schafer AJ, Harley VR.: Compound effects of point mutations causing campomelic dysplasia/autosomal sex reversal upon SOX9 structure, nuclear transport, DNA binding, and transcriptional activation. J Biol Chem (2001) 276:27864-72782
- Reichert TA, Sugaya N, Fedson DS, Glezen WP, Simonsen L, Tashiro M: The Japanese experience with vaccinating schoolchildren against influenza. N Engl J Med (2001) 344:889-96
- Sakaguchi M, Nakayama T, Fujita H, Toda M, Inouye S: Minimum estimated incidence in Japan of anaphylaxis to live virus vaccines including gelatin. Vaccine (2001) 19:431-436
- Sasagawa I, Suzuki Y, Ashida J, Nakada T, Muroya K, Ogata T: CAG repeat length analysis and mutation screening of the androgen receptor gene in Japanese men with idiopathic azoospermia. J Androl (2001) 22:804-808
- Shimizu S, Katano H, Sata T, Chen KR, Tagami H, Hanabusa H, Shimizu H.: Absence of anti-human herpesvirus 8 antibody in 32 Japanese hemophiliacs with advanced HIV infection. Arch Dermatol Res (2001) 293:380-381
- Shirahata A, Kamiya T, Takamatsu J, Kojima T, Fukutake K, Arai M, Hanabusa H, Tagami H, Yoshioka A, Shima GM, Naka GH, Fujita GS, Minamoto Y, Kamizono J, Saito H.: Clinical trial to investigate the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety, and efficacy of recombinant factor VIIa in Japanese patients with hemophilia with inhibitors. Int J Hematol (2001) 73:517-525
- Shishido S, Asanuma H, Tajima E, Honda M, Nakai H.: Pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in pediatric renal transplant recipients Transplant Proc (2001) 33:1066-1068
- Sonoda S, Nakayama T: Detection of measles virus genome in lymphocytes from asymptomatic healthy children. J Med Virol (2001) 65:381-387
- Suzuki T, Kiyokawa N, Taguchi T, Sekino T, Katagiri-U Y, Fujimoto J: CD24 induces apoptosis in human B cells via the GEM/rafts-mediated signaling system. J Immunol (2001) 166:5567-5577
- Suzuki Y, Sasagawa I, Ashida J, Nakada T, Muroya K, Ogata T: Screening for mutations of the androgen receptor gene in patients with isolated cryptorchidism. Fertil Steril (2001) 76:834-836
- Suzuki Y, Sasagawa I, Tateno T, Ashida J, Nakada T, Muroya K, Ogata T: Mutation screening and CAG repeat length analysis of the androgen receptor gene in Klinefelter’s syndrome patients with and without spermatogenesis. Hum Reprod (2001) 16:1653-1656
- Tamai S, Tanaka Y, Kizu R, Ishii T, Muroya K, Sato S, Nishimura G, Matsuo N: Auxological and radiological manifestations in patients with hypochondroplasia negative for N540K mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol (2001) 10:13-16
- Tanaka Y, Sugita K, Saito T, Muroya K, Ishikawa SE, Awazu M, Ogata T: Impaired urinary water excretion in a three-generation family. Pediatr Nephrol (2001) 16:820-822
- Toyooka K, Miyazawa H, Naiki Y, Ishii Y, Nishiyama F, Kuratsuji T, Kirikae T: Air quality monitoring in a neonatal intensive care unit. Jpn J Infect Dis (2001) 54:87-88
- Wakaki H, Sakamoto H, Awazu M: Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome with autoantibody directed to renal tubular cells. Pediatrics (2001) 107:1443-1446
- Yamagishi H, Yamagishi C, Nakagawa O, Harvey RP, Olson EN, Srivastava D: The combinatorial activities of Nkx2.5 and dHAND are essential for cardiac ventricle formation. Dev Biol (2001) 239:190-203
- Yoshino A, Honda M, Fukuda M, Araki Y, Hataya H, Sakazume S, Tanaka Y, Kawamura K, Murai T, Kamiyama Y.: Changes in peritoneal equilibration test values during long-term peritoneal dialysis in peritonitis-free children Peri Dial Int (2001) 21:180-185
- Yuki K, Miyauchi T, Kakinuma Y, Murakoshi N, Maeda S, Goto K, Yamaguchi I, Suzuki T.: Endothelin-1 production is enhanced by rotenone, a mitochondrial complex 1 inhibitor, in cultured rat cardiomyocytes. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol (2001) 38:850-858
- Yuki K, Suzuki T, Katoh S, Kakinuma Y, miyauchi T, Mitsui Y: Endothelin-1 stimulates cardiomyocytes injury during mitochondrial dysfunction in culture. Eur J Pharm (2001) 431:163-170