Publications 1997

  • Akuta N, Lloyd S, Igarashi T, Shiraga H, Matsuyama T, Yokoro S, Cox J, Thakker V: Mutations of CLCN5 in Japanese children with idiopathic low molecular weight proteinuria,hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis Kidney Int (1997) 52:911-916
  • Aoyama T, Kato T, Takeuchi Y, Kato K, Morokuma K, Hirai T: Simple, speedy, sensitive, and specific serodiagnosis of pertussis by ushing a particle agglutination test J Clin Microbiol (1997) 35:1859-1861
  • Awazu M: Inhibition of platelet-derived growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase by atrial natriuretic peptide. Kidney Int (1997) 52:356-362
  • Awazu M, Tanaka T, Sato S, Anzo M, Higuchi M, Yamazaki K, Matsuo N: Hepatic dysfunction in two sibs with Alstrom syndrome: case report and review of the literature. Am J Med Genet (1997) 69:13-16
  • Aya M, Ogata T, Sakaguchi A, Sato S, Matsuo N: Testicular histopathology in congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia: a light and electron microscopic study. Horm Res (1997) 47:121-125
  • Baird TT Jr, Waheed A, Okuyama T, Sly WS, Fierke CA: Catalysis and inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase IV. Biochemistry (1997) 36:2669-2678
  • Barranger J, Rice E, Dunigan J, Sansieri C, Takiyama N, Beeler M, Lancia J, Lucot S, Scheirer-Fochler S, Mohney T, Swaney W, Bahnson A, Ball E.: Gaucher’s disease: studies of gene transfer to haematopoietic cells. Baillieres Clin Haematol (1997) 10:765-778
  • DeRosa M, DeBrasi D, Zarrilli S, Paesano L, Ptvonello R, Agostino A, Longobardi S, Merola B, Lupoli G, Ogata T, Lombardi G: Short stature and azoospermia in a patient with Y chromosome long arm deletion : case report J Endocrinol Invest (1997) 20:623-628
  • Goi K, Takagi M, Iwata S, Delia D, Asada M, Donghi R, Tsunematsu Y, Nakazawa S, Yamamoto H, Yokota J, Tamura K, Saeki Y, Utsunomiya J, Takahashi T, Ueda R, Ishioka C, Eguchi M, Kamata N, Mizutani S.: DNA Damage-associated Dysregulation of the Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Control in Cells with Germ-line p53 Mutation. Cancer Res (1997) 57:1895-1902
  • Hasegawa T, Hasegawa Y, Aso T, Koto S, Nagai T, Tsuchiya Y, Kim KC, Ohashi H, Wakui K, Fukushima Y: HDR syndrome (hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness, renal dysplasia) associated with del(10)(p13). Am J Med Genet (1997) 73:416-418
  • Hasegawa T, Nagai T, Yamada K, Tsuchiya Y.: A case of de novo interstitial deletion of chromosome 7, del(7)(q31.2q32). Acta Med Auxol (1997) 29:165-169
  • Hasegawa Y, Hasegawa T, Aso T, Anzo M, Kotoh S, Tsuchiya Y.: Decreased response to growth hormone after interruptions of therapy. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol (1997) 6:7-9
  • Hasegawa Y, Hasegawa T, Fujii K, Konii H, Anzo M, Aso T, Koto S, Takada M, Tsuchiya Y: High ratios of free to total insulin-like growth factor-I in early infancy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1997) 82:156-158
  • Hoshina K, the GBS infecion study group: Minimization of the number of pregnant women to be treated with preventive procedure against GBS infection by means of antibody measurement. Acta Paediatr Jpn (1997) 39:546-549
  • Ishizuka B, Kudo Y, Amemiya A, Ogata T: Ovulation induction in a woman with premature ovarian failure resulting from a partial deletion of the X chromosome long arm, 46, X, del(X)(q22) Fertil Steril (1997) 68:931-934
  • Kakinuma Y, Hama H, Sugiyama F, Goto K, Murakami K, Fukamizu A.: Anti-apoptotic action of angiotensin fragments to neuronal cells from angiotensinogen knock-out mice. Neurosci Letters (1997) 232:167-170
  • Kashiwagi Y, Kawashima H, Takakuma K, Hoshika A, Mori T, Nakayama T: Detection of mumps virus genome directly from clinical samples and a simple methods for genetic differentiation of the Hoshino vaccine strain from wild strains of mumps virus J Med Virol (1997) 52:195-199
  • Kinoshita E, Yoshimoto M, Motomura K, Kawaguchi T, Mori R, Baba T, Nishijo K, Hasegawa T, Momoi T, Yorifuji T.: DAX-I gene mutations and deletions in Japanese patients with adrenal hypoplasia congenita and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Horm Res (1997) 48:29-34
  • Kobayashi Y, Tsutsumi Y, Sasaki G, Kamimaki I.: Pneumoperitoneum complicating mechanical ventilation in congenital myotonic dystrophy. Acta Paediatr Jpn (1997) 39:379-381
  • Kosaki K, Curry CJ, Roeder E, Jones KL: Ritscher-Schinzel (3C) syndrome: documentation of the phenotype. Am J Med Genet (1997) 68:421-427
  • Kosaki K, McGinniss MJ, Veraksa AN, McGinnis WJ, Jones KL: Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes: diagnosis with a bisulfite-treated methylation-specific PCR method. Am J Med Genet (1997) 73:308-313
  • Kosaki K, Suzuki H, Schmid Schonbein GW, Nelson TR, Jones KL: Parametric imaging of the chick embryonic cardiovascular system: a novel functional measure. Pediatr Res (1997) 41:451-456
  • Le M, Okuyama T, Cai SR, Kennedy SC, Bowling WM, Flye MW, Ponder KP.: Therapeutic levels of functional human factor X in rats after retroviral-mediated hepatic gene therapy. Blood (1997) 89:1254-1259
  • Lee M, Okuyama T, Cai SR, Kennedy SC, Bowling WM, Flye MW, Ponder KP: Therapeutic levels of functional human factor X in rats after retroviral-mediated hepatic gene therapy Blood (1997) 15:1254-1259
  • Lee MM, Donahoe PK, Silverman BL, Hasegawa T, Hasegawa Y, Gustafson ML, Chang YC, MacLaughlin DT: Measurements of serum mullerian inhibiting substance in the evaluation of children with nonpalpable gonads. N Engl J Med (1997) 336:1480-1486
  • Matsuyama T, Morita M, Ikeda M, Ishihara Y, Hiramoto R, Kamiyama Y, Honda M, Ito H.: Evaluation of preserved urinary red blood cells by light microscopy. Clin Nephrol (1997) 47: 271-272
  • Miura T, Meguro T, Takayama S, Yamada K: Interferon therapy for Japanese hemophiliacs with chronic hepatitis C. Acta Paediatr Jpn (1997) 39:556-558
  • Miyama S, Takahashi T, Nowakowski RS, Caviness VS Jr: A gradient in the duration of the G1 phase in the murine neocortical proliferative epithelium. Cereb Cortex (1997) 7:678-689
  • Mori T, Kaneko H, Kumagai M, Miyauchi J, Kaneko Y, Fujimoto J, Tsunematsu Y.: Congenital leukaemia with a mixed phenotype of megakaryoblasts and erythroblasts : a case report and characterization of the blasts. Br J Haemat (1997) 96:740-742
  • Mori T, Sugita K, Suzuki T, Ishikawa T, Kurosawa H, Matsui A: Histopathologic features of the biopsied liver at onset of childhood B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia presenting as severe jaundice J Pediatr Gastroent Nutr (1997) 25:354-357
  • Moriyama Y, Tomita Y, Honda S, Matsuo N, Hitoshi U: Simultaneous identification of eye fixation related potentials and reaction related potentials from single-trial signals. Med Biol Eng Comput (1997) 35:671-676
  • Motoyama M, Hasegawa A, Hattori M, Takahashi K, Kamiyama Y, Kawamura T, Tsuzuki K: A prospective trial of steroid cessation after renal transplantation in pediatric patients treated with cyclosporin and mizoribine Pediatr Transplant (1997) 1:29-36
  • Nishigaki H, Ito C, Manabe A, Kumagai M, Coustan-Smith E, Yanishevski Y, Behm FG, Raimondi SC, Pui CH, Campana D: Prevalence and growth characteristics of malignant stem cells in B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia Blood (1997) 89:3735-3744
  • Ogata T, Hasegawa T, Matsuo N.: Further clinical model for the possible impairment of a putative lymphogenic gene(s) for Turner stigmata. Hum Genet (1997) 99:290-290
  • Ogata T, Matsuo N: The Y specific growth gene(s): how does it promote stature? J Med Genet (1997) 34:323-325
  • Ogata T, Muroya K, Matsuo N, Hata J, Fukushima Y, Suzuki Y: Impaired male sex development in an infant with molecularly defined partial 9p monosomy: implication for a testis forming gene(s) on 9p. J Med Genet (1997) 34:331-334
  • Okubo M, Hasegawa Y, Aoyama Y, Murase T: A G+ to C mutation in a donor splice site of intron 2 in the apolipoprotein (apo) C-ll gene in a patient with apo C-ll deficiency Atherosclerosis (1997) 130:158-160
  • Orimo H, Goseki-Sone M, Sato S, Shimada T: Detection of deletion 1154-1156 hypophosphatasia mutation using TNSALP exon amplification. Genomics (1997) 42:364-366
  • Rao E, Weiss B, Fukami M, Mertz A, Meder J, Ogata T, Heinrich U, Garcia-Haras J, Schiebel K, Rappold GA.: FISH-deletion mapping defines a 270-kb short stature critical interval in the pseudoautosomal region PAR-1 on human sex chromosome. Hum Genet (1997) 100:236-239
  • Rao E, Weiss B, Fukami M, Rump A, Niesler B, Mertz A, Muroya K, Binder G, Kirsch S, Winkelmann M, Nordsiek G, Heinrich U, Breuning MH, Ranke MB, Rosenthal A, Ogata T, Rappold GA: Pseudoautosomal deletions encompassing a novel homeobox gene cause growth failure in idiopathic short stature and Turner syndrome. Nat Genet (1997) 16:54-63
  • Saito T, Tsunematsu Y, Saeki M, Honna T, Masaki E, Kojima Y, Miyauchi J.: Trends of Survival in Neuroblastoma and Independent Risk Factors for Survival at a Single Institution. Med Pediatr Oncol (1997) 29:197-205
  • Sakaguchi M, Yamanaka T, Ikeda K, Sano Y, Fujita H, Miura T, Inoue S: IgE-mediated systemic reactions to gelatin included in the varicella vaccine. J Allergy Clin Immunol (1997) 99:263-264
  • Sakura N, Nishimura S, Matsumoto T, Ohsaki M, Ogata T: Allergic disease as an association of steroid sulphatase deficiency J Inherit Metab Dis (1997) 20:807-810
  • Sands MS, Wolfe JH, Birkenmeier EH, Barker JE, Vogler C, Sly WS, Okuyama T, Freeman B, Nicholes A, Muzyczka N, Chang PL, Axelrod HR: Gene therapy for murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII. Neuromuscul Disord (1997) 7:352-360
  • Satake N, Kobayashi H, Tsunematsu Y, Kawasaki H, Horikoshi Y, Koizumi S, Kaneko Y.: Minimal residual disease with TEL-AML1 fusion transcript in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with t(12;21). Br J Haemat (1997) 97:607-611
  • Sato S, Matsuo N: Genetic analysis of hypophosphatasia. Acta Paediatr Jpn (1997) 39:528-532
  • Suzuki N, Kaneko O, Nakayama T, Fukuiya Y, Kuge S, Fujimura Y: Immunological suppression after surgery in scoliosis patients. Eur Spine J (1997) 6: 39-44
  • Takahashi T, Nowakowski RS, Caviness VS Jr: The mathematics of neocortical neuronogenesis. Dev Neurosci (1997) 19:17-22
  • Takayama S, Miura T, Taki M: Hepatitis G virus infection in Japanese haemophiliacs. Haemophilia (1997) 3:283-287
  • Takiyama N, Itoh K, Shimmoto M, Nishimoto J, Inui K, Sakuraba H, Suzuki Y.: Molecular form and subcellular distribution of acid β-galactosidase in fibroblasts from patients with GM1 gangliosidosis, Morquio B disease and galactosialidosis. Brain Dev (1997) 19:126-130
  • Tokieda K, Whitsett JA, Clark JC, Weaver TE, Ikeda K, McConnell KB, Jobe AH, Ikegami M, Iwamoto HS: Pulmonary dysfunction in neonatal SP-B-deficient mice. Am J Physiol (1997) 273:L875-882
  • Waheed A, Pham T, Won M, Okuyama T, Sly WS: Human carbonic anhydrase IV: in vitro activation and purification of disulfide-bonded enzyme following expression in Escherichia coli. Protein Expr Purif (1997) 9:279-287
  • Yamada M, Fujii K, Hasegawa T, Hasegawa Y.: Serum acid-labile subunit is a good parameter for diagnosis of GH deficiency. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol 6(Suppl (1997) 9):99-101
  • Yamagushi S: Identification of Three lineages of wild measles virus by nucleotide sequence analysis of N, P, M, F, and L genes in Japan. J Med Virol (1997) 52:113-20